Tomba Art Contest 2022

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The 2022 Tomba Art Contest was announced October 6th on Twitter with a deadline set to 31st of October.

The grand prize was a custom 12-inch vinyl LP record of the Tomba 1 soundtrack. All in all the contest got 25 amazing entries submitted.

Image entries

Hi all! Here is my submission to the contest. What would Tombi looks like as the successor of 100-Year-Old Wise man in a long time? I've imagined the future Tomba! Hugs and thank you for the opportunity!By Fran Rodríguez. [1]
I thought fitting Tomba in a Halloween setting would be appropriate lol.By P. Q. [2]
My entry is simply a Fruit of Death pumpkin for Halloween (drawn rather than carved so we can eat his brains later!). I’m sure you’ve received much fancier entires but I thought you’d enjoy his little face Love your channel and thanks for everything you do!By Haylee. [Source Unavailable]
Can't win but I wanna be in the gallery.By Atanok Si. [3]
A lost stage, referenced only in Tomba's soundtrack with the Flower Tower's theme being called "Outside Pig Island"'This is my personal take on the stage, one final gauntlet of enemies and platforming before the endgame. By Jordan Montano. [4]
So yeah this is my contest entry for that beautiful vinyl. It is a recolor of a still from the original Tomba intro. Wanted to give one of the pigs more of a Halloween color palette. No tracing of the original still. Done freehand(not well though haha). I’m sure someone else will submit something to blow my entry out of the water but wanted to give it a shot anyway! Thanks for the contest and all you do! Hope you like my entry!By Zachary Hagen. [Source Unavailable]
Hello! This is my contest entry for the Tomba Art Challenge for 2022 This piece took me approximately 7 hours to complete and required me to include elements I typically don’t include in my illustrations. I truly hope you enjoy it and that it stands a chance in the running! By Melissa Robb. [5]
It's Tomba and the gang!By Camilia Villalpando. [Source Unavailable]
It's a painting of Tomba eating some pig meat!By Maria LaMacchia. [Source Unavailable]
My participation art.By NesmaN88. [6]
Tomba Club!By Shady Eladl. [7]
Traditional (older Tomba) and traditional with cellphone coloring lol.By Zack. [8]
vuelvo a presentarme con el comic que realice el año pasado, no he podido realizar nada nuevo, espero que para el año que viene pueda disponer de mas tiempo.By Elsiz. [9]
I want to partecipate to the contest with my handmade Tomba image, I hope you like!By "I am". [Source unavailable]
My nostalgic feelings of playing Tombi as a kid are intertwined with memories of starting to take drawing and papercraft seriously. So, I decided to make a paper layer illustration and tried to capture the colourful joy of the game.By Rik Schlimbach. [10]
Hey guys! final montage of Mushroom Forest makeup inspiration for Tomba contest entry, ^w^ hope you like it.By Kirei No Yuri. [11]
Hey guys. Here is my submission for the Tomba Art Contest 2022. A poster for the first game with a US, EU & JP version. Not sure if I could submit all three since they're different colorways and not entirely different pieces. If I had to choose one to submit, it would probably be the US version, because... y'know, pink. Hope you guys like it! Let me know if you need a different format.By Taylor Hicks. [12]
Tomba Riding Baron.By Terrence Mills.[13]
Tomba eating some meat.By Emma Barret. [14]

Video/audio entries (click the source to see the videos)

I hope to be able to finish the island in time.'I modified the original island mainly for a few reasons: the face of the pig in the original version has an expression reminiscent of a dead pig and not a bad one, instead it should have a very bad expression if we take into account that the final boss is really the baddest pig; I have included gold coins marked by the pig icon even though the crates with gold in them are still missing; the island seems to have come out of nowhere, in the ending the island sinks and does not disappear, as if it returns to where it came from, taking into account that for every pig defeated, the cursed place returns as before, so I have included some parts that are reminiscent of the formation of an island that should remind one of a Hawaii-style volcanic island; in the final version I would love to put a very bright light coming from the bottom of the cave, only the distance so as not to make that mysterious air perfect; Unfortunately I came to know too late about the contest, I would like to devote more time but I am very busy, but for tombi.... By Ale Ser. [15]
I love Tomba. So do you.By Jana Van Nuys. [16]
I did the music remix and cover art! Hope you enjoy! By Ibi Kun. [17]
I had so much fun working on this! I really wanted to challenge myself and commit to finishing a piece for the contest, and I'm glad I did! I hope y'all like it🤠By Ty Alexander. [18]
along with the song i made a cover art all designed by me aswell 🙂By Lil Misfit. [19]
I've made a scene inspired by witch Mizuno's house in the Donglin Forest while she teaches Tomba some magic to try summoning Tomba! 3 👀By Luiz Xisde. [20]