PrePre8 Events

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PrePre8 text strings extracted by Vervalkon and translated by Zaf in 2020 for the Tomba Club.

Japanese Name Translated Retail Equivalent Notes
少年の旅立ち A Young Boy Sets Off
ジィちゃんの形見 Grandpa's Keepsake Grandpa's Bracelet
100年老人との出会い A Meeting with the 100 Year Old Man Might be "The 100 Year Old Wise Man"
霧を吹き飛ばせ Blow Away the Fog Clear the Fog
カエル・・・にかえる Change... into a frog Might be "Take Me Home"
モトクロスコース Motocross Course Motocross Course
キミ、 だあれ? Who Are You? Who are you?
大きな水たまり? A Large Puddle?
かくれ星のヤン Yan of the Hidden Star
オイラ泳げない I Can't Swim!
コッカ卵の中身 The Inside of the Kokka Egg Inside the Kokka Eggs
100年老人の話 The Story of the 100 Year Old Man Tale of the Evil Pigs
100年老人の仲間 The Friends of the 100 Year Old Man
ドァーフの長老 The Dwarven Elder Dwarf Elder
コトバを覚えよ! Let's Learn Words! Might be "Beginner's Dwarf Language"
まいごのドワーフ The Lost Dwarf A Lost Child
花のたね The Flower's Seeds
AP・ゲート AP Gate
ドワーフの教え Teachings of the Dwarves
ドワーフの助け Saving the Dwarves Save the Dwarves
5つ箱の忘れもの Five Forgotten Things Might be "Lost and Found"
消えた長老 The Disappeared Elder
地下ウロの大ドロボウ The Great Underground Uro Thief
のぞいてごらん?! Look and See
バロンは友だち Baron is a Friend Might be "A Man's Best Friend"
これ、な~んだ? What is This What is this?
やしきの宝物 Mansion's Treasure Treasures from the Mansion?
5つの箱のガキ The Kid of Five Boxes
動かない恵みコゾウ Unmoving Blessed Priest The Broken Fountain
大脱出 A Great Invention
嵐の山の怪 Stormy Mountain's Mystery
大トリの山 Large Bird Mountain Might be "To Phoenix Mountain..."
コロガルゾォ~ Let's Roll!
光の落ちるところ Where the Light falls
いよっ!穴ほり名人! Yo! Hole Digging Master! A Famous Digger
またコロガルゾォ~ Let's Roll Again!
空の主 Lord of the Sky
そこ、どいて Move Out of the Way
怪物?勝てるかな? Monsters? Can We Win? Monster Hunt
死神の実をつぶせ! Crush the Reaper's Fruit! Death Fruit Juice
花をさかせよう! Make the Flowers Bloom! Might be "Flower Seeds" or "Plant a Flower Garden"
お涙ちょうだい Give Us Your Tears Might be "Tears from a Flower"
笑いが止まらない The Laughter Won't Stop Might be an early name for "The World's Greatest Smile!"
涙がとまらない The Tears Won't Stop Might be an early name for "The World's Greatest Pout?" though there is an used event called "Can't Stop Crying"
泣き笑いのドア Laughing Door
赤の占い師 The Red Fortuneteller The Red Fortune Teller
APスロットマシーン AP Slot Machine
子ども?大人? A Kid? An Adult? Might be "Where's the Baby Mouse?"
ポイントのショー? A point show?
大人の飲み物 A drink for Adults A Drink for Grownups
バッカスの村 Bacchus Vilage
大きなドアのむこう側 The Other Side of the Big Door
赤ちゃんのブリッジ? A Baby's Bridge?
魔ブタをさがせ! Find the Evil Pigs!
盗賊マンション Thief's Mansion
あやしいトビラ Suspicious Gate
大きなカギの絵 Painting of a Big Key Painting of a Big Key?
かくれた力 Hidden Power Red Hidden Powers
長老のたのみだと? The elder's request?
コトバをおぼえ!II Let's Learn Words! II
マサカリ族の密林 Jungle of the Masakari Tribe
物知りの木は知っている I Know the Knowledgeable tree
ポンプ岩のナゾ The Mystery of Pump Rock Pump Rocks
あばれちゃう!? I'll Go Wild!?
ナミダのビンちょうだい Give Me the Tear Bin I Need a Tear Bottle
盗れた島の絵本 The Stolen Picture Book of the Island
解読?らくがき島 Explained? Grafiti Island
島のひみつその1 Secret of the Island 1
島のひみつその2 Secret of the Island 2
島のひみつその3 Secret of the Island 3
島のひみつその4 Secret of the Island 4
島のひみつその5 Secret of the Island 5
大停電 Big Blackout
電気を捕まえろ! Catch the Electricity!
事件発生,犯人を探せ! An Incident! Find the Culprit!
黒い水の不思議 Mystery of the Black Water
文明のキカイ The Civilization Machine The Civilization Machine
進め!きかんしゃ Onward! Locomotive!
森の地下にはなにがある? What's Under the Forest? What's Under the Forest?
花の森 Flower Forest The 100 Flower Forest
かんだら暴れちゃうゾ If You Bite Me I'll Go Wild!
おなかペコペコ? Hungry? Might be "I'm So Hungry"
お城の食事会 Dinner at the Castle
光がほしい Wish for Light
おひさまポカポカ The Sun is Warm
寒い!裸? Cold! Naked?
溶かす、溶ければ Melt it, if it Melts
雪玉ゴロゴロその先は・・・ Where the Snowball Rolls
緑の占い師 The Green Fortuneteller
かくれた力その2 Hidden Power Part 2 Blue Hidden Powers
ブタの町 The Pig's Village
白いケムリの家 The House with White Smoke
コトバをおぼえよう!III Let's Learn Words!!! III
仲良くしよう Let's Get along
木人の村の大岩 The Great Boulder in the Village of the Tree People
こわれた橋 A Broken Bridge
いま何時 What Time is It
こわれない歯車? The Unbreakable Gear?
村落はどかだ!? Where's the Village!?
大きなガキ穴 A Big Keyhole Might be "A Large Key Hole!"
どうやって取るの? How Are We Going to Take It?
さびたトビラをこわせ! Break the Rusted Door! Break the Rusty Door!
動かない鉄の人形 The Unmoving Iron Doll
エサ燃料って何? What is Food Fuel? Food for Fuel?
あぶない届け物 A Dangerous Delivery
森の案内人 The Forest Guide
うまい果実、まずい果実 Delicious Fruit, Disgusting Fruit
挑戦!勇気の大樹 Challenge! The Great Tree of Courage! Might be "Tree of Knowledge Knows"
ブタの町のブタメガネ The Pig Glasses in the Pig Village
王の本性 The Nature of a King
始まりの村 The Village of Beginings
バロンの力 The Power of Baron Might be "Baron's Strength"
魔女の探し物 What the Witch was Searching For
花よりダンゴ Boys Over Flowers
道具が強くなる!? The Tools Get Stronger!? Power Up for Tools!?
トンネルはどこだ Where's the Tunnel?
大きなみずたまりを渡れ Crossing a Big Puddle
おいしい?万能魚 Delicious? Almighty Fish Mighty Fish Food
トビウオ アクロバット Flying Fish Acrobatics
歌を忘れた人魚 The Mermaid Who Forgot a Song
海賊の宝物 The Pirates Treasure
水に沈んだ村 The Sunken Village
いにしえの村 The Ancient Village
水門をあけろ! Open the Floodgate!
体力を上げましょう Let's Raise Our Stamina
青の占い師 The Blue Fortuneteller The Blue Fortune Teller
風になりたい I Want to be the Wind
危ない!落ちたら死ぬぞ Watch Out! You'll Die if You Fall
ほこらの中に何がある What's Inside The Shrine
世紀の大発明 Invention of the Century
銅色のメダルがほしい I Want a Bronze Medal I Want a Bronze Medal
銀色のメダルがほしい I Want a Silver Medal I Want a Silver Medal
金色のメダルがほしい I Want a Gold Medal I Want a Gold Medal
おもいは地、かるいは天 Heavy is the Land, Light is the Sky
雪の中身 Inside the Snow
からくり?サァたいへん Karakuri? Sounds Rough
からくり砦の3姉妹 The Three Sisters of the Karakuri Fort
3姉妹への手紙 Letters of the Three Sisters
雪がふったら When it Snows
毒毒どうくつのナゾ Mystery of the Poisonous Cave
水晶のどうくつ The Crystal Cave
うまった道を行く Along the Filled Path Might be "Dig Like a Mole"
黒の占い師 The Black Fortuneteller
水を止めなきゃ! Gotta Stop the Water!
塔のもりびと The Tower's Guardian
海を渡る方法 A Method to Cross the Sea
イカダを作ろう! Let's Build a Raft!
光と影 Light and Shadow
光る石を探せ Search for the Shining Rock
水の下にはあなにがある? What's Under the sea?
魔力のみなもと? The Source of Magical Power?
海底通路の行き先 At The End of the Underwater Passage
魔力のみなもと? The Source of Magical Power?
友達10人 10 Friends Seven Friends Seems like the original amount of friends needed was 10.
金色のカイロウ A Golden Corridor
悪いヤツは誰だ? Whose the Bad Guy?
本当の魔ブタ The Real Evil Pig A Real Evil Pig
夢?幻?黄金郷を探せ A Dream? A Hallucination? Find the Golden City Might be "Underground Treasure"
らくがき床のナゾ Mystery of the Scribbled Floor
かくれた人口 Hidden Entrance
ミリオンの塔 Million's Tower Flower Tower
「大団円1」 Conclusion 1
「大団円2」 Conclusion 2
「大団円3」 Conclusion 3