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The MDAT file's primary role is to describe:

  • 3D Geometry: Includes the spatial structure of levels, such as terrain, platforms, and other environmental elements.
  • UV Mapping: Specifies how textures are applied to the surfaces of the 3D models.
  • Vertex Colors: Adds color shading to vertices, often used for lighting effects.
  • Face Types: Defines triangles or quads to construct the 3D geometry.


The MDAT extraction script is a Python tool designed to export 3D geometry and related data from MDAT files found within DAT files of Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return. Here's an overview of its purpose, structure, and how it processes the MDAT data:


  • The MDAT file contains level geometry data such as:
    • UV coordinates (for texturing).
    • Vertex colors (for per-vertex shading).
    • 3D geometry (constructed from quads and triangles).
    • Headers and metadata for the structure.
  • This script extracts that data, interprets it, and exports it into a usable format:
    • OBJ (Wavefront Object) format for geometry.
    • MTL (Material Template Library) format for materials and textures.

Key Features

  1. Reads Geometry Data:
    • Processes triangles and quads to extract 3D positions, UVs, and vertex colors.
    • Differentiates between transparent and opaque faces.
  2. Handles Textures:
    • Extracts texture data and maps it using the CLUT (Color Look-Up Table) and VRAM.
    • Saves textures as PNG files for use in 3D rendering.
  3. Generates Standard 3D Formats:
    • Outputs geometry in the OBJ format, widely supported by 3D modeling tools.
    • Creates accompanying MTL files for material definitions and texture mapping.
  4. Modular Design:
    • Functions like printTriangle, printQuad, and createTex handle specific tasks, making the script adaptable and extendable.

Script Breakdown


  • Imports necessary modules like os, struct, and PIL (Python Imaging Library) for file I/O and image handling.
  • Defines constants for geometry types (triangles, quads) and initializes tracking variables.

Data Extraction Utilities

  • short and char: Read 16-bit and 8-bit values from the binary file.
  • vtx_col: Computes normalized vertex color values from binary data.
  • getClutCoords and clutCoords2Address: Convert CLUT values to usable VRAM addresses for texture mapping.

Geometry Processing

  • Triangles (printTriangle):
    • Extracts three vertices with positions, vertex colors, and UV coordinates.
    • Handles edge cases where UV coordinates are identical and adjusts them slightly.
    • Outputs triangle data in OBJ format, along with material assignment.
  • Quads (printQuad):
    • Similar to triangles but processes four vertices.

Texture Handling

  • makePalette:
    • Extracts a color palette from the CLUT, interpreting the 16-bit PS1 color format.
  • getTex:
    • Generates a texture image based on the palette and pixel data from VRAM.
    • Saves the texture as a PNG in the specified directory.
  • createTex:
    • Ensures textures are created only once for unique combinations of texture page and CLUT address.

Exporting Files

  • Writes the OBJ file with vertices (v), UVs (vt), and faces (f).
  • Generates an MTL file linking the textures to their corresponding materials.
  • Saves textures in a folder hierarchy under tex/<name>.

MDAT File Overview

An MDAT file encapsulates:

  1. Header: Defines the dimensions of the data (number of triangles, quads, etc.).
  2. Geometry:
    • Includes vertex positions, UV coordinates, and vertex colors.
    • Can have both triangles and quads.
  3. Textures:
    • UV mappings reference texture pages in VRAM.
    • Colors are resolved through a CLUT.

How the Script Works

  1. Setup:
    • Takes input parameters like file paths, addresses, and IDs.
    • Creates necessary directories for output.
  2. Data Extraction:
    • Reads MDAT geometry and texture data from the DAT file using offsets and pointers.
  3. Processing:
    • Interprets binary data into vertices, faces, and materials.
    • Handles transparent and opaque geometry separately.
  4. Export:
    • Writes the extracted geometry to an OBJ file.
    • Saves textures as PNGs and references them in the MTL file.

Example Output

OBJ File (example.obj)

v 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 
v 4.0 5.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 
v 7.0 8.0 9.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 
usemtl 0-1234ABCD 
f 1/1 2/2 3/3

MTL File (example.mtl)

newmtl 0-1234ABCD 
Ka 1 1 1 
Kd 1 1 1 
map_Kd tex/example/0-1234ABCD.png 
Ks 1 1 1 
Ns 50 
illum 7

Texture (example.png)

A 256x256 PNG image representing the texture page.