Tomba Plush
In 1997, two plushes were created and released in Japan to promote the original game's release: one of Tomba, and one of an Evil Pig. These were created strictly as contest prizes and were not for sale, and as such very few were produced.
In 2015, an officially licensed plush was created and sold by MonkeyPaw Games and Gaijinworks to celebrate the second game being released on the PlayStation Network.[1] This too was a very limited release, with only 100 of them given out randomly to people who retweeted the launch announcement between November 3 and December 25, 2015. This promotion was limited to people with a North American mailing address. This plush features Tomba wearing the golden bracelet.
1997 plushes
Photos from various sources:
Creator Tokuro Fujiwara posing with the original plushes:
2015 plush
Photos from various sources:
The original reveal and unboxing photos:
A sampling of photos posted to Instagram by MonkeyPaw Games during the giveaway:
- ↑ The plush lists a copyright year of 2012, likely because that's when MonkeyPaw Games first obtained the license to bring Tomba to PSN, starting with the first game. The plushes are first unveiled in an Instagram post on February 21, 2015.
External links
- Auction for the 1997 Tomba plush on Remambo; original on Yahoo! Auctions
- Auction for both 1997 plushes; also archived on the
- Auction for the 2015 Tomba plush on eBay
- Auction for a Tomba collection that includes both the 1997 and 2015 plushes on eBay
- Auction for an incomplete 1997 plush missing its green pants on WorthPoint
- Photos of the 1997 plush by GameFan Magazine on Facebook
- Photos of the 2015 plush by the @VGPlushDaily account on Twitter
- Reveal of the 2015 plush by MonkeyPaw Games on Instagram