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Revision as of 20:24, 21 September 2022 by Folkin (talk | contribs)
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Hi i'm Kane, A.K.A Folkin.

I'm currently 22 years old and love the video game Tomba for the PlayStation 1.

If you want to ask me anything you can contact me here or on my Twitter.

Things to think about

  • How to show that items/NPC's are unused?

Testing Area


ChickIcon.png Chick ChickSprite.png

A newly hatched, chirping chick.

FrogIcon.png Frog FrogSprite.png

A frog that can't find his way home.

KidIcon.png Lost Dwarf DwarfKidSprite.png

A lost and crying dwarf child.

BananasIcon.png Bananas BananasSprite.png

Bananas, the cure for a hungry stomach.

TornadoIcon.png Furious Tornado

A fierce tornado that can blow anything away.

100YOMBell.png 100 Year Old Bell 100YOMBellSprite.png

A special bell that takes you back to the 100 Year Old Man's hut.

100YOMKeyIcon.png 100 Year Old Key 100YOMKeySprite.png

The key to the 100 year old treasure chests.

CharityWingsIcon.png Charity Wings CharityWingsSprite.png

Wings that carry you back to any place you have visited.

BitingPlantIcon.png Biting Plant Flower BitingPlantsprite.png

An unusual flower that blooms from the Biting Plant.

HealMushroomIcon.png Healing Mushroom HealMushroomSprite.png

A mushroom that cures laughing or crying fits.

BucketIcon.png Bucket BucketSprite.png

A bucket that doesn't leak, great for carrying liquids.

TelescopeIcon.png Telescope

Helps to view things far away.

TearBottleIcon.png Tear Jar TearBottleSprite.png

A small and very pretty empty bottle.

TearBottleFullIcon.png Flower Tears TearBottleFullSprite.png

A small bottle filled with Flower Tears.

BaronIcon.png Baron BaronSprite.png

Use Baron and his big ears to fly you to any location you have previously visited.

JamIcon.png Baked Yam JamSprite.png

Piping hot baked yam.

LeafButterflyIcon.png Leaf Butterfly LeafButterflySprite.png

A legendary butterfly with leaf wings.

TorchIcon.png Torch

A torch that lights dark places.

BucketFullIcon.png Bucket of Water BucketFullSprite.png

A bucket filled with water.

BrokenMirrorIcon.png Dirty Mirror BrokenMirrorSprite.png

A mirror that doesn't reflect?

Parasolcon.png Funky Parasol ParasolSprite.png

Charles' parasol that helps you glide down from high places.

WoodenBoomerangIcon.png Wood Boomerang WoodenBoomerangSprite.png

A light boomerang made of wood.

StoneBoomerangIcon.png Stone Boomerang StoneBoomerangSprite.png

A heavy boomerang made of stone that can attack twice in a row.

IronBoomerangIcon.png Iron Boomerang IronBoomerangSprite.png

A strong boomerang made of steel that can attack three times in a row.

DashingPantsIcon.png Dashing Pants DashingPantsSprite.png

Pants that make you run even faster.

MapIcon.png Map MapSprite.png

A handy world map.

BrokenVaseIcon.png Broken Vase BrokenVaseSprite.png

A precious vase that is broken and has very sharp edges.

BlackJackIcon.png Blackjack BlackJackSprite.png

The weapon you always carry with you.

FlashPantsIcon.png Flash Pants FlashPantsSprite.png

Pants that let you move really fast.

JumpingPantsIcon.png Jumping Pants JumpingPantsSprite.png

Lighter pants that allow you to move faster.

LunchBoxIcon.png Lunch Box LunchBoxSprite.png

Recovers some vitality.

LargeLunchBoxIcon.png Large Lunch Box LargeLunchBoxSprite.png

Recovers full vitality.

NormalPantsIcon.png Normal Pants

Your favorite pair of pants.

GrappleIcon.png Grapple GrappleSprite.png

A handy item that can help you swing from things.

GrappleJackIcon.png GrappleJack GrappleJackSprite.png

A blackjack and grapple all-in-one powerful weapon.

BabyPigIcon.png Baby Pig BabyPigSprite.png

A Koma Pig that shrank from the Peach Flower Gas.

1000YOMKeyIcon.png 1,000 Year Old Key 1000YOMKeySprite.png

The key to the 1,000 year old treasure chests.

RedPigBagIcon.png Red Evil Pig Bag RedPigBagSprite.png

The red bag that seals the powers of the Red Evil Pig.

OrangePigBagIcon.png Orange Evil Pig Bag OrangePigBagSprite.png

The orange bag that seals the powers of the Orange Evil Pig.

YellowPigBagIcon.png Yellow Evil Pig Bag YellowPigBagSprite.png

The yellow bag that seals the powers of the Yellow Evil Pig.

GreenPigBagIcon.png Green Evil Pig Bag GreenPigBagSprite.png

The green bag that seals the powers of the Green Evil Pig.

BluePigBagIcon.png Blue Evil Pig Pag BluePigBagSprite.png

The blue bag that seals the powers of the Blue Evil Pig.

NavyPigBagIcon.png Navy Evil Pig Bag NavyPigBagSprite.png

The navy blue bag that seals the powers of the Navy Blue Evil Pig.

PinkPigBagIcon.png Pink Evil Pig Bag PinkPigBagSprite.png

The pink bag that seals the powers of the Pink Evil Pig.

10,000YOMKeyIcon.png 10,000 Year Old Key 10,000YOMKeySprite.png

The key to the 10,000 year old treasure chests.

1milYOMKeyIcon.png Million Year Old Key 1milYOMKeySprite.png

The key to the Million year old treasure chests.