
From Tomba! Wiki
Revision as of 10:58, 3 August 2024 by Folkin (talk | contribs)
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Hi i'm Kane, A.K.A Folkin.

I'm currently 22 years old and love the video game Tomba for the PlayStation 1.

If you want to ask me anything you can contact me here or on my Twitter.

Things to think about

  • How to show that items/NPC's are unused?

Testing Area

Characters infobox

{{character|name=Taro|image=taro.jpg|seen_in= Hidden Village}}
  • Name > characters name
  • Image > Picture of characters sprite/model
  • Seen in > Location where character can be found + what game

Events infobox

{{event|name=Beginner's Dwarf Language|icon=event005|description=learn dwarf language|Started by= listen|Finished by=talking|start_ap=None|complete_ap=2000|start=blah}}
  • Name > Name of the event
  • Description > Description of the event
  • Started by > How to trigger the event
  • Finished by > How to complete the event
  • Start AP > AP gained when starting the event
  • Complete AP > AP gained when finishing the event

Example of item lists for the games

ChickIcon.png Chick ChickSprite.png

A newly hatched, chirping chick.

  • ChickIcon.png ChickSprite.png Chick A newly hatched, chirping chick.


ChickIcon.png ChickSprite.png

A newly hatched, chirping chick.

Icon Sprite Name Description
ChickIcon.png ChickSprite.png Chick A newly hatched, chirping chick.

Things we need

  • Info boxes for multiply things
  • Standardization for certain things (Game names, manga names, character names, formatting)
  • A way to have coloured text for items etc, maybe this is already possible idk
  • Filter for unused content, like a toggle
  • Banner for stuff we still need on said page, like they have on The Cutting Room Floor