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夜が明けたら一番早い汽車に乗るから test At the break of dawn, I'm taking the first train out
夜が明けたら一番早い汽車に乗る test At the break of dawn, I'm taking the first train out
夜が明けたら 夜が明けたら test At the break of dawn, at the break of dawn
夜が明けたら一番早い汽車に乗るから test At the break of dawn, I'm taking the first train out
切符を用意してちょうだい test Please have your ticket ready
私のために一枚でいいからさ test Just one is fine for me
今夜でこの街とはさよならね test Tonight I'm saying goodbye to this town
わりといい街だったけどね test Not that it was such a bad town though
